Saturday, September 6, 2014

awesome miracles! not so awesome goodbyes! June 9

Hi familia-                                              June 9, 2014

First things first, yes I am getting transferred :( I mean we all must
leave at some point but, I love this area so so so much. My next area
will be in the Rockford Spanish Branch and I will be with Hermana
Klivans! It should be good- it'll be my first time in a branch! I'll
be back out with the corn fields which will be pretty. I'll miss
seeing the tips of the Chicago buildings but I do like corn fields.
ALSO I won't be in a car share! Hermana Lewis served there and says
that it's a really nice apartment and that I will like the area. I
probably will, I'm going to miss this area for sure though.

Just as every week, we saw some amazing miracles. We contacted and
taught a headquarters referral named Hugo, and he is now preparing
for a baptismal date! He came to a ward party and our members did a
pretty good job of making him feel comfortable. So that is really

Saturday we went to teach the families that came to church last
Sunday. Josefina & kids and Amalia & kids. This time, the moms had
all of the kids listen, which usually they just let them run around or
go play. At times it was hard to get their attention, but wow it was
one of the most spiritual restoration lessons that we have ever
taught! We taught at the kids level and we just really felt like
everyone understood, and we were all edified by the spirit. We
especially asked for undivided attention during the first vision, and
it was an amazing experience! I love love love teaching when the
spirit is strong. I love teaching the restoration. In the end,
Josefina, who before was hesitant about accepting our message and
especially a baptismal date, told us about the spirit that she felt
while at church. We helped her realize that the spirit was giving her
an answer. She then accepted a baptismal date, as well as 2 of her
kids. They were excited about it! So now 4 in that house are
preparing. Amalia tried to say she was too busy to come to church but
Josefina helped her to come. She is awesome, I have already seen
changes in her and it has been amazing. Earlier in the week we had a
short lesson with Josefina and she was telling us of some struggles
she has had in life and it was just breaking my heart. I have never
been so grateful for my life and situation. Anyway, They came to
church again yesterday, and we are so excited for them! I hope I will
be able to return to Rockford to attend their baptism. Such
tender mercies and miracles from The Lord. I love the spirit and I am
so thankful that he was able to answer Josefina's prayers in such a
clear way.

Jaime is doing well too, he is progressing. He had a lot of questions
about prophets so we have been working with that :)

This transfer wasn't what I expected it would be, but it was good. In
the end I look back and I can see that I grew and learned, I have
loved being with Hermana Lewis. She is a really great missionary, she
is hardworking and I can tell that the people we serve trust her and
see that she is sincere.

Of course throughout the week I learn a lot of really great
spiritual things but I don't have time to tell you all of them, but
here is one:

So a weird and random thing is that lately, Hermana Lewis and I have
been really into learning about Moses. It started with listening to
the "Prince of Egypt" sound tract I think. We never really used our
formal study to learn about him but with a little extra time here and
there I just read his story again. Funny enough he came up in a
couple lessons and our new knowledge about him helped us explain about
prophets haha. So anyways we are just like "Moses is awesome" and the
other day I read 2 nephi 13. It's a really good chapter. He was
prophesying of Joseph Smith and said this:

"9 And he shall be great like unto Moses, whom I have said I would
raise up unto you, to deliver my people, O house of Israel. (2 Nephi

With my expanded knowledge about how great Moses was, it helped me
understand more about how great Joseph Smith was and how he too was an
important instrument in the hands of God for the salvation of souls.
Through him, our Heavenly Father brought back the priesthood and the
fullness of the Gospel. He did this because he loves us, and because
our salvation is his work and glory. I know that is true!

I know these things are true and I am making the most of every day I
have here because I know my days are numbered.

Love you!
Hermana Barlow

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