Tuesday, September 23, 2014

El Templo Aug 19

Hi fam!                                                August 19, 2014

I am writing today because we went to the temple. It was
amazing as usual. I love the temple and the spirit is so strong there.
There is really no other place like it. I want everyone I know to go

This was a good and crazy busy week! Part way through the week when
Hermana Cadd and I had finished some back to back exchanges she says
"I feel like a chicken running around with its head cut off" hahah and
that was a good way to describe us! I was just laughing at us because
we're trying to juggle so many different things but I'm learning that
we are pretty good at handling stress. I'm getting even better at it
now for sure. 
We were invited to train at the New Missionary Training meeting
(which is one of my favorite meetings) so that was great.
After that I went on back to back exchanges in Rockford (my
last branch!) The first with Hermana Miller who is an awesome awesome
Hermana who is in her training. The day after that I was with Hermana Sharp
who is now serving in my last area with Hermana Klivans. We had 2 cool
experiences.  We went to a trailer park that Hna Klivans had worked
at now and again and we knocked on the door and had a really good
conversation with a girl, and I just felt the spirit so strong! I love
sharing and testifying of the restoration, it was so simple but
powerful. I asked her what called her attention about all the things
we shared and she said "all of it!" So, the Hnas are going to return
when the mom is home. Later on we met a lady who only spoke English
but was hilarious and mentioned that lately she has felt a really
strong need to have her baby baptized/blessed. We had a great
conversation and we hope something good will come out of that!

Friday/Saturday we went on another exchange, Hna Smith from Aurora
came here with me. She was telling me about a member referral they
were teaching who was sick and in the hospital- she and my
companion would be teaching them that day. So we went along with our
schedule, nothing too great had happened.Then we were in this huge
apartment building following up with an investigator that I hadn't met
before. After knocking I was just thinking "man. I just want to get in
someone's door -is that too much to ask?" Because... It had been a few
days since that had happened. And then this cute lady named Roxanna
opened and we found out she was the investigator's mom, and she let us
in!! I was like thank you thank you thank you Heavenly Father! Ha it
was a great moment. We didn't have much time but we shared the first
vision and she took it so well, it was awesome. The best part is,
later in the lesson we are talking about her ex-husband and we find
out that.... He is the Aurora Hnas investigator who was sick- the one they
were teaching that day! Hahah it was so crazy. We got with the
Hermanas after that and we were like...., what are he odds that we run
into his ex-wife on the same day you teach him? It was cool we are
excited to teach him again.

Another good moment was yesterday. We pulled up to park somewhere and
a man went into the driveway in front of us. So we start to pray like
we usually do before leaving the car and I just really felt to say a
faster prayer than normal to get out and talk to him. So I did and we
got out quick and caught him before we went in. Turns out he was
Hispanic! He was young and wearing a full on business suit. He already
looked like a member haha but we talked to him and he is so solid! He
is very interested, we gave him a Book of Mormon and we are going back
on Thursday when I will be here with Hermana Lopez! :) :). I just love
those moments where I know that The Lord was guiding us through his

So yeah this week should be awesome mostly because....... LUCAS GETS
BAPTIZED ON SATURDAY! He has been keeping the word of wisdom and feels
very ready!! He and his family are excited, we are excited and it
should be great. Thank you for your prayers I know they've been
Yesterday we taught our awesome investigator family the
Estrada's and we are just in love. They have to get baptized. They
really want to go to the baptism Saturday so please pray that The Lord
will answer their prayers and that they will feel and recognize the

Lately I've been studying about a lot of great things from the Book of
Mormon and Preach my gospel but I am out of time, I hope you are all
reading those things

I love you all so much!
Hermana Barlow

During personal study some squirrels were bugging us. I freaked out a little.
The squirrels are crazy here!

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