Saturday, September 20, 2014

the spirit guides us...and sometimes little girls too! July 28

Querida Familia                                     July 28, 2014

Hi! Ok WOW I have too much to write I already know that I won't be
able to say everything (what's new though...)  haha so things are
really good in the new area! The week went by slower than most, we
don't really know why because it wasn't a bad week but... Anyway. So
last Tuesday was pretty crazy. Hna Klivans and I drove all the way to
Naperville and I re-united with all my companions except for Hermana
Hungate! It was so great. I love all of them so much. But shortly
after being there I was told to find Hna Cadd and then go to some
extra meetings with her regarding the new missionaries that were about
to get their trainers. It was a very cool experience! President Fenn
really dedicates his heart and soul into leading this work the way The
Lord wants him to. The transfer meeting was great and Hna Cadd and I
were able to teach a lesson before we went to the departing
missionaries dinner and devotional at President's house. It was very
spiritual. President Fenn talked about the abrahamic covenant and then
each departing missionary gave their testimony. It was very special
and crazy for me to see, because I remember seeing/working around
those missionaries 3 transfers ago and they're already gone, it was
just a reminder that my remaining time is precious and small. Scary.

So, I've just been learning the area, learning from Hermana Cadd and
we've been seeing some miracles! I'm really excited about the people
we are working with. It is such a privilege to be with Hermana Cadd.
She is so dedicated and hard working, I'm honored to be the missionary
to "kill her off"- she goes home in October. She is an amazing person
and missionary and I just feel like a trainee again just learning
learning learning. Basically she is awesome! We have an investigator
on date for August 23 named Lucas, he is in a part member family and
just recently got married to the member he was living with- Carolina.
They are SO great, I love them so much already. We had a really great
lesson about eternal marriage and I could just feel the spirit so
strongly testifying that the sealing power has been restored to the
earth. I know it has and it is a HUGE deal. We are so lucky. Please
pray for Lucas that he can overcome his alcohol addiction and make the
goal he has set to be baptized the 23rd!

Here is a pretty sweet miracle- ask me to tell you it in person one
day because I can't really act it out through email.
So we were in this weird neighborhood of town houses looking for 
two investigators that Hermana Cadd found last week. There's a lady
and her friend, and Hna Cadd knew where one lived, but not the other.
They both lived on the same street. So we were walking down the street
towards #150, and we get to #116 and she just stops and says "let's
knock that one" so I'm like ok. The people there don't answer so we
are like, huh. So we walk a little farther down and a little girl
(like 5 years old) on a bike stops and then points to the house she
was in front of. Her face was totally serious too, it was hilarious.
So we're like, do you live here? Yeah. Is your mom home? Yeah. Does
she want to learn about Jesus? Yeah. So we knock the door and it's
Miranda! The friend that Hna Cadd didn't know where she lived. She let
us in and we taught the Restoration! She really wants to be closer to
Christ and have burdens lifted from her life through him. She said
"when I feel in my heart that it's true! I will be baptized". We gave
her Moroni 7 (a kind of long chapter,) for her to read, and when we
returned yesterday morning she had read it all and loved it! She
prayed and felt the spirit and wants to come to church this week.
Miranda is so ready, this experience really was just another testament
that the Holy Ghost will guide us to accomplish the Lord's purposes.

Another cool story! So I think I talked about my exchange with Hna
Cadd in my letter a few weeks back. We had put 2 awesome ladies on
date after teaching them the first lesson. So I got to the area this
week and I asked if Violeta and Paulina were still on date, and
Hna Cadd told me that despite trying and trying and calling them, they
had had no contact with them since that lesson. They had stopped
trying to see them these past two weeks. So yesterday we were on our
way to somewhere else when Hna Cadd says, let's just stop by
Violeta. So we do, and she is home! She was cooking but she let us
in. She had the Book of Mormon on the table and she told us that
Paulina had just barely brought it to her to give her a turn reading
it. She told us that she loved the introduction that she read. She was
just as solid that she was the first time. We taught about the Book of
Mormon more in depth, and she understood, had good questions,
committed to read and pray and with help, rides, faith and prayers she
will probably come to church this Sunday!! :D Wow it was really cool.
It makes me wonder if Hna Cadd and I are meant to teach her together.
Who knows what The Lord has in store for her!

So I'll tell you a little bit about the area. We cover a few different
cities and they are all really fancy. There are fancy houses and
stores and it is definitely a city area- there is one street where we
can see Chicago in the distance. We have a little groupito of Spanish
speakers! The ward itself is huge, well attended and very strong. The
Chapel was filled to the back. We are really trying to work with
less active Spanish speakers to strengthen the group and work from
there. The goal is that It will turn into a branch! It's very
exciting. This week we will start doing exchanges, starting with the
Aurora Hermanas! I will most likely be going to my first area so that
is exciting! I will let you know how they go next week :)

Today I finished reading the Book of Mormon in Spanish. I LOVE the
Book of Mormon! It amazes me. I truly feel the spirit when I read it.
It inspires me in how I can personally strengthen my relationship with
and follow Jesus Christ. I love Moroni 10, the very last chapter,
where "speaks by way of exhortation" and exhorts us to do few very
important things. Most of all we need to remember. Remember what it
says there, and remember Christ. I love it, it changes me each time I
read it and I know it's true.

I love you all! This week President Fenn said that "our testimonies
are as elusive  as moon beams. It's something we must re-capture every
day." Don't forget to re-capture your testimony each day. Don't forget
about the Book of Mormon and don't forget about Jesus Christ and his

Thank you and cuídense!!
Hermana Barlow

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