Monday, September 8, 2014

Rockford :) June 16

Familia!                                                June 16, 2014

Well as you know a lot of changes have happened, and here I am in
Rockford with Hermana Klivans! She is a wonderful Hermana. She is
happy to be here, a hard worker, very calm in stressful situations and
just a great missionary all around. I am happy to be here with her! We
both started our missions in the same place, she took my place in
Aurora when I left. So it's fun to talk about the Aurora ward and
those people sometimes :)

Rockford is beautiful! We mainly work in a city called Belvidere which
I like a lot. My favorite investigators we have is a mom named Fabiana
and her daughter Alexa! I LOVE them!! I want them to be baptized so
bad. Please pray that they will come to church this Sunday and feel
the spirit!

We met a really nice lady named Constanza this week while walking in a
trailer park. We went up to talk to her because she was with a bunch
of kids in her front yard. I really didn't think she'd let us in
because she had all these kids but her husband and friend were outside
drinking so she just had some of the kids stay and let us in. She is
interested and we will see her Wednesday. I love seeing how The Lord
gives us promptings about where to go and who to talk to.

The best lessons are the ones where you can tell they really
understood it. We always do our best to teach for understanding, but
this week there was one lesson in particular where the couple
understood the significance of having a prophet on the earth today. It
is a BIG DEAL but not all people understand that! So I hope they
progress and come to church so that they can receive an answer!!

We had stake conference this weekend which was SO exciting because I
got to see so many people that I love from the sycamore and Dekalb
wards!! Unfortunately Gael and Jose weren't there but, still. It was
great. I love the members of the wards I have served in so much! It is
hard to explain that love and what they mean to you. The adult session
was great, about missionary work! We heard some amazing conversion
stories and other inspiring things that will hopefully help the
members be more excited to do what The Lord has asked.

This week while seeking comfort from The Lord I felt to pick up my
Book of Mormon and open it randomly. I found Alma 33 (which is one of
my favorite chapters) and I just felt answer after answer and so much
comfort. I typed "alma 33" in the search box of the gospel library and
I also found an amazing talk by Robert D. Hales "healing soul and
body". It is really great. My companion also showed me this talk
called "The Belief Window", I am not sure how anyone can find it but
if you do, it is really great!

It was hard of course to leave Arlington heights, Monday night we ate
with the Padilla family and they are SO CUTE they gave me a present of
pajama pants and shirt and some cute slippers. I love them to DEATH.
After that we went to my favorite Ecuadorian family's house and we
were able to teach Jaime there and have cheesecake with them. The 2
cute little kids in their family made me a cute little note with a
flower it's adorable. I miss those two families especially! And David
of course- we got to say goodbye to him too. Love them. I will
definitely be returning there some day!

Well. I know this church is true. I know that God will answer our
prayers, sometimes it takes some searching. I know that he puts us in
the places and circumstances we need to be in for great and eternal

Quick shout out to my awesome Dad for Father's Day!! I love you so
much and I am so thankful for your love and example of a worthy
priesthood holding father. Happy Father's Day to Papa too! I am
thankful for your love and dedication to the Gospel as well.

Love Hermana CB

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